IPC Realty Sdn Bhd
Reg. No 201001005078 (889693-X)
Registered Estate Agent E(1)14407
Graduated from MARA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY in 1985 (now known as UNIVERSITI TEKNOLOGI MARA), he served the Valuation and Property Services Department, Ministry of Finance until 2001. Upon leaving the department, he served Jurunilai Bersekutu, Tampoi Branch before setting up IPC Island Property Consultats Sdn Bhd, Johor in 2004..
The experience in valuation includes the special properties such as commercial complexes, Telecoms Privatization, state of Johor privatization projects, including Syarikat Air Johor. Corporate assignments including Senai Airport, Tanjung Langsat Port, Feasibility studies of Petrochemical and Maritime Industries for South East Asia, marketability studies, Cost Benefit Analysis, Free Zone Studies, Plant and Machineries. Attachment in plant & machineries valuation with Chesterton International, Manchester, United Kingdom.
Registered Valuer V 0545
Registered Estate Agent E 1428
Registered Property Manager PM 0545
Advance Diploma in Estate Management, UiTM
The Royal Institution of Surveyor,Malaysia
Boord of Valuers,Appraisers,Estate Agents and Property Managers
Association of Valuers,Property Managers, Estate Agents &
Property Consultants in the Private Sector of Malaysia