IPC Realty Sdn Bhd
Reg. No 201001005078 (889693-X)
Registered Estate Agent E(1)14407
Sr Abu Shufian Bin Amir Ajil, MRISM, MPEPS graduated from University Institute Teknologi Mara Shah Alam with Bachelor (Hons) in Estate Management and currently is a Resident Valuer of IPC Island Property Consultants Sdn. Bhd. Putrajaya branch. Soon after graduation in 1996, he began his career in real estate as valuation executive with Kumpulan JurunilaiSdnBhd (Klang Branch) involve in valuation of retail, rating, land acquisition, taxation, development charges, market & feasibility study including real estate agency.
In 2009, he became a registered valuer and appointed as Branch Manager (Resident Valuer) at Kumpulan JurunilaiSdnBhd (Ipoh branch) until 2016.
Professionally, he is a registered valuer, registered property manager and registered estate agent with the Board of Valuers, Appraisers and Estate Agents Malaysia, a member of Royal Institution of Surveyors Malaysia (RISM).
He has been appointed as Assessor to the Judge in Shah Alam High Court, Ipoh High Court and Temerloh High Court
Registered Valuer V 0776
Registered Estate Agent E 2087
Registered Property Manager PM 0776
Assessor, Shah Alam High Court, Ipoh High Court and Temerloh High Court
Bachelor (Hons) Estate Management, UiTM
The Royal Institution of Surveyor, Malaysia (ISM)
Board of Valuer Appraiser and Estate Agent Malaysia
Association of Valuers, Property Managers, Estate Agents & Property Consultants in the Private Sector of Malaysia